5th Grade at Kittredge
For this project you will go on a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and then create a piece of art directly inspired by one of the pieces you saw.
(If you prefer to do this project with me, Week Six's Tuesday zoom art class will be looking at a specific van Gogh painting from the Met and creating art based on it.)
1. Go to the Met website: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features/metkids/explore/
2. Click around on the map. You can scroll up and down...it’s huge!
3. Notice that the red dots bring you to a a page all about an individual artwork.
4. Pick one that looks interesting to you.
5. Explore the artwork by clicking on the sections on this page: Watch, Listen, Discover, Imagine and Create. Each gives you more information and are usually very interesting. The Create section even gives you ideas for how to make something related to the piece.
6. Make a piece of art somehow related to the object you chose.
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