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Immigrant Experience Project

You wi= ll complete either the diary project OR the biography project. Each are based = on an interview with an immigrant.

To sta= rt, you need to choose an adult immigrant. This could be someone in your family= , a family friend, or a neighbor. You are provided with a list of questions that you can ask your immigrant (you, of course, can come up with your own quest= ions too).

Once y= our interview is completed, you will turn your questions into either diary entr= ies or a biography essay on your interviewee.

DETAIL= S on DIARY PROJECT: After your interview, your task will be to interview an immigrant and create a diary from his/her point of view. You should include= at least 8 different entries, each a minimum of a half page long (double space= d).

DETAIL= S on BIOGRAPHY PROJECT: you will write a mini biography of your person and their immigrati= on experience. It should be a minimum of 4 pages (double spaced). Use the following format to guide you:

Introduction: You will introduce the person to the reader. Include the name, age, or year the person was born, their relationship to you, their birthplace, where they immigrated from, etc. Also include why you chose to interview this person. = =

Body: Include when and why they left (experiences), travel (such as how they left their country), and new experiences in America. Also, where they live now and how their life has changed since immigrating.

Conclusion: Talk about what the immigrant is like today. Would the person like to return to their homeland?


You mu= st choose a minimum of 20 questions. You can chose more! This does not mean th= at you will use the answers from all 20 questions, but the more questions you = ask, the easier it will be to write the diary entries. You will be required to h= ave a minimum of 8 diary entries that are at least a minimum of half a page eac= h.

**If y= ou have trouble finding an immigrant to interview, please come speak with me. =

Immigr= ation Project Interview Questions

The following list of questions will help you get started on your project. They= are listed in no particular order. You need to design your own list of questions and put them in an order that makes sense to you. Using these as a guidelin= e, I recommend that you choose those that will best help you understand your intervieweeÕs immigration journey. Type your list and print 2 copies, one f= or you and one for you interviewee. It is not necessary that you ask all of th= ese questions. The best interview will be one where conversation back and forth feels natural. For example, a specific answer may encourage you to ask Òfollow-upÓ questions. Those answers may lead to others. Try to think of the interview as a comfortable conversation. Relax and have fun! =

  1. What is your full name= ?
  2. Is your name different= in your native language? Pronunciation/spelling?
  3. Where did you live bef= ore you immigrated to the U.S.?
  4. What specific circumstances caused you to immigrate?
  5. Was it a personal deci= sion or one that someone else made for you?
  6. How old were you?
  7. What had you heard abo= ut the U.S. before you came? What stereotypes/expectations did you have?
  8. Had you seen pictures = or photos of U.S.? What did you think of them?
  9. What had people told y= ou about the U.S.?
  10. Were your initial expectations accurate? Can you give me an example? <= /li>
  11. Where specifically in = your former country did you live?
  12. What was your life like there?
  13. What was going on ther= e at the time?
  14. Can you tell me about = the government in your native country before you left? <= /li>
  15. What year/date did you arrive in the U.S.?
  16. Did you immigrate alon= e, or with friends/other family members?
  17. Can you share a memora= ble experience with me about what it was like, how you were feeling when y= ou first arrived?
  18. Was it hard to leave or was it exciting?
  19. Did you experience any Òculture shockÓ? Was it hard to adapt? If so, what was challenging? Can you think of a story or experience that will give me an idea?
  20. Did you miss family members/friends? Are you in touch with them? How?
  21. What possessions did y= ou take with you? What important things, if any, did you leave behind?
  22. How did you arrive? Me= thod of transportation?
  23. Did you consider living anywhere else?
  24. Did you know anyone he= re when you arrived?
  25. Did you feel welcome? =

26.  How did people treat you? Do you find people treat you differently now if you have = been here for a while?

  1. Who/What helped you get settled, find a place to live, etc.?
  2. Tell me about any lang= uage barriers that you experienced/or currently experience?
  3. Did you know any Engli= sh before you arrived?
  4. Was it difficult to communicate when you first arrived?
  5. What were your first 24 hours/days like?
  6. Can you tell me how yo= ur life has changed since you came to this country?
  7. What sacrifices, if an= y, have you made to live in U.S.?
  8. Are their specific things/people that you miss? Who/What? Why?
  9. What is the best thing about your immigrant experience?
  10. What has been most challenging or difficult about your experience?
  11. What kind of job did y= ou have in your home country?
  12. What job(s) did/do you have in U.S.?
  13. How did you go about finding a job?
  14. Did you bring any spec= ific skills with you that you were able to use here?
  15. If you had not immigra= ted, what do you think your life would be like today? Can you give me an example of how it might be different?
  16. If you have children, = were they born in this country? Do they speak your native language?
  17. Do they know about your immigrant experience/native culture?
  18. How might your childre= nÕs live differ if you had not emigrated?
  19. How has the U.S. chang= ed since you arrived?
  20. Can you tell me a stor= y or give me an example of how your country has changed since youÕve been h= ere?
  21. Has your lifestyle cha= nged since you left? Since youÕve been here?
  22. Are there specific cultural traditions that youÕve brought with you?
  23. Can you tell me about = one of them or why/how you celebrate it? Why is it important to you? =
  24. Did you attend school = here?
  25. Did classmates/teachers treat you differently?
  26. Do you miss anything specific about your home country?
  27. Do you feel that our culture appreciates immigrants?
  28. What do you think about the future of immigration in our country?
  29. Would it be possible to contact you if I have any additional follow-up questions? <= /span>

Tips f= or Conducting a Good Interview


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